
Video, Talks, Slides, Materials​

Dec, 5th, 2022
IULM Game InFest​

Topic "How to Create a Videogame"

Type Short Lecture

Resource Video

Language Italian 

Dec, 5th, 2022
IULM Game InFest

Topic "How to Create a Videogame"

Type Short Lecture

Resource Slides

Language Italian, English 

Download Link

Dec, 5th, 2022
IULM Game InFest

Topic "How to Create a Videogame"

Type Short Lecture

Resource Sources
Language Italian 

Download Link

Nov, 12-13th, 2022
AIV​ Workshop

Topic "Game Design for Writers, Worldbuilders, and Arists"

Type Digital Workshop

Resource Slides

Language Italian, English 

Download Link

Aug, 29th, 2022

Topic "How NOT to do a Kickstarter" (part 1)

Type Text

Resource Post

Language Italian, English

TL; DR! Kickstarter + Work: notes from the front, pt. 1​

The mistakes I make managing a KS while I was working.

Hi everyone! My name is Daniele Fusetto and I am a freelance corporate storyteller and a game / narrative designer, as well as a teacher of Narrative Design at AIV Milano. As a designer, I work in the tabletop and tabletop rpg area, while my daily freelance work is related to e-commerce and product companies.

Today I am here as an independent RPG author and as a manager of the Kickstarter that I will launch on August 30, 2022, Daily Dread.

Keep Reading on Medium

March, 21st, 2021
Il Saloto di Giano

Topic "Cyberpunk: from Cinema to Written page"

Type Digital Talk

Resource Video

Language Italian

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